Haris Mavrokefalos, MSc
My motivation to assist people dealing with challenges led me to focus on human behavior by choosing to study Psychology. My core belief is that every person is unique and should be treated with a unique approach based on their strengths and weaknesses.
Read more about Haris
- Master Degree (MSc) in Clinical Psychology, Leiden University, Netherlands
- Bachelor Degree (BSc) in Psychology, Panteion University of Athens, Greece
- Certified Registered Behavioral Technician
- Annual Training in “Mental Health for Children and Adolescents”, Sismanoglio Hospital, Athens, Greece
- Attendance of conferences to keep my knowledge up-to-date
- Member of the Dutch Psychological Association (NIP)
- Member of the Dutch Association of Professionals working with kids (SKJ)
- Several years of experience dealing with a variety of mental health difficulties, providing psychological support in different settings and organizations
- Psychological Support to individuals dealing with various mental challenges such as schizophrenia and personality disorders at the Greek Institute for regional development and mental health
- Mental Health Care to children with Autistic Spectrum Disorder and their families at the International Organization “Stichting Reach Holland” in the Hague
- Psychological Support at School or Home to children and adolescents with learning difficulties, behavioral problems and mental health difficulties in Leiden and the Hague
- Supervision
- “Economic Crisis and Mental Health among Teenagers in Greece”
- “Patients’ perception about their involuntary psychiatric admission”
I offer therapy in English, Dutch and Greek.

Spyridoula Patouna, MSc, PhD candidate
My interest in interacting with people and understanding the unique way they think, feel and behave led me to focus on humanistic studies. I truly believe that each person has strengths and skills and should be treated as capable of bringing out the best version of themselves.
Read more about Spyridoula
- Completed a 4-year Postgraduate Degree under the title “Systemic Psychotherapy”, at the Institute for Systems Therapy and Intervention in individuals, families and larger systems
- PhD candidate at the University of Thrace, Department of Social Work. Title: “Preschool children’s and parents’ perceptions regarding screen use in Greece and in the Netherlands: a comparative study”
- Masters Degree (MSc) in “Counselling Psychology in Education, Health and Work”, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece
- Bachelor Degree (BSc) in Education, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece. I spent one academic semester at the European University of Cyprus via Erasmus Exchange Program
- Annual Training in “Special Education”, University of Aegean, Greece
- Registered Educator for Adults at the Center for Lifelong Learning of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens
- Extra Trainings: Systemic Counselling in Education, Parental Divorce Management (University of Athens)
- Attendance of numerous conferences to keep my knowledge up-to-date
- Member of the Nederlands Instituut van Psychologen (NIP)
- Member of the Hellenic Scientific Association for Peer Counselling
- Member of the Scientific Association for the Promotion of Educational Innovation
- Several years of experience providing psychosocial support in a variety of Educational and Mental Health Organizations and NGO’s
- Psychological Support via one-to-one sessions at the Greek National Center for Social Solidarity
- Psycho-social Support via the Greek National Hotline for Social Aid to individuals dealing with difficulties such as depression, anxiety, addiction, family difficulties, relationship difficulties, domestic violence, unemployment, decision making and many more
- Psycho-social support via the Greek National Hotline for Children’s Protection
- Counselling via messaging using the online platform “Live without Bullying” providing support to teenagers, parents and teachers regarding bullying in Greek. (Family and Child Care center, Athens, Greece. I am still offering my services)
- Organization of Workshops regarding communication and self development (conducted at the Municipality of Marathon in Greece and at schools).
- Workshops for Children with Autistic Spectrum Disorder at the International Organization “Stichting Reach Holland” in the Hague, Netherlands
- 10 years experience as a Teacher
My passion for understanding and supporting others led me to conduct a lot of research, some of which has been presented in International conferences and have been published in Scientific Journals:
- Patouna S. & Poulopoulos C. (December 2017). The construction of meaning in Gambling addiction and in Therapy. Exartisis: Scientific Journal on Addiction Issues, vol. 29, pages 62-82
- Patouna S. & Poulopoulos C. (November 2018) The consequences of Gambling Addiction on Couples, 7th Pan-Hellenic Conference in Counseling Psychology, Volos, Greece
- Patouna S. & Poulopoulos C. (September 2019). Crisis situations and ways of Crisis Management by gamblers and their spouses during gambling addiction. 17th European Federation of Therapeutic Communities Conference “Everything flows”, Thessaloniki, Greece
- Patouna S. & Fragkakis M. (November 2019). Correlations between Anger, Anxiety, Depression, Emotional Regulation, and Parental Self-Efficacy of Parents of Children with Autistic Spectrum Disorder. 7th Panhellenic Conference for Autism. Athens, Greece
- Patouna, S. & Fragkakis, M. (October 2020). The advantages and disadvantages of distance learning during the COVID-19 period through the experiences of students. 6th International Conference for the Promotion of Educational Innovation. Larissa, Greece
- Fragkakis M, & Patouna, S. (October 2020). Students’ perceptions regarding the ideal type of education through their experience of in-person and online teaching during the COVID-19 period. 6th International Conference for the Promotion of Educational Innovation. Larissa, Greece
- Patouna, S. & Poulopoulos,C. (June 2021). The use of screen from children 4-6 years old during the lockdown due to the COVID-19 pandemic in the Netherlands. 1st Conference of the Association of European Qualitative Researchers in Psychology (EQuiP):
Creating Bridges. Thessaloniki, Greece
Extra Research:
- “ARIADNE: Developing and supporting multisectoral police reporting procedures to prevent and respond to domestic violence against women” conducted by the National Center for Social Solidarity.
- “Qualitative Approaches on multicultural issues and social justice in Counselling Psychology” by the University of Athens (presented in the 6th Conference for Counseling Psychology, Athens, Greece).
I offer therapy in English and Greek.

Olga Żejmo - MSc
My name is Olga and I‘m so pleased to start my adventure as a volunteer / an intern at Psychotherapy Now. I’m a Psychology graduate from Poland and in February I‘m starting another masters in Clinical Psychology at Leiden University. Having moved to the Netherlands recently, I’m trying to embrace the new culture and language.
Read more about Olga
Hello everyone!
My name is Olga and I’m so pleased to start my adventure as a volunteer / an intern at Psychotherapy Now. I’m a Psychology graduate from Poland and in February I’m starting another masters in Clinical Psychology at Leiden University. Having moved to the Netherlands recently, I’m trying to embrace the new culture and language.
I was born in a gingerbread-smelling town (a home to the famous astronomer – Nicolaus Copernicus). From there, I’ve been on a constant move from one Erasmus to another and have lived in England, Belgium, and Lithuania. Mostly studying, pondering over the meaning of life, writing, and exploring the surrounding nature.
I’m genuinely passionate about analysing emotionally complex and intricate life stories and nurturing plants. I’m in love with Psychology primarily due to boundless interpretations and healing tools it has to offer. As an aspiring psychotherapist, it’s my greatest dream to be able to assist people on a path towards self-awareness and acceptance. It’s a little bit like trying to match missing pieces of a puzzle. Taking care of plants, on the other hand, gives me a breather.
I’d like to wish you all a golden autumn and I do hope to see you somewhere soon.
Best regards,

Frederick Heitz, BSc
I am aspiring to become a psychologist, because I am fascinated by the human psyche. Every single person has something unique to offer, even if he or she doesn’t even know it yet.
Read more about Heitz
I want to help people discover themselves and their uniqueness, so that they can use their strengths to overcome any hardship life throws at them.
Even if one is stuck, there is always a possibility for growth and a way to move forward.
- Bachelors Degree (Bsc) in Psychology, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
- Currently in Master program for Clinical Psychology at the University of Groningen
- 2 months internship in a psychiatry ward of a hospital in Germany

Ishana Durante - Bose, MSc
My integrative therapeutic approach is holistic. To me, holistic is whole person healing. The more perspectives we have of a concept, a situation or a pattern — the greater our understanding of it overall. This enables us to compassionately engage with it, in its entirety. Let’s cultivate the moments in which we feel whole, and let’s explore the moments in which we feel less than whole.
Read more about Ishana
- Master Degree (MSc) in Clinical Psychology, Leiden University, Netherlands (Currently-Enrolled)
- International Bachelor Degree (BSc) in Psychology, Leiden University, Netherlands
- Creative Response Therapy™ (Alternative Art Therapy) Certified Facilitator
- Therapeutic Yoga Accredited Teacher, Kaya Yoga
- Trained in Cognitive Behavioural Interventions
- Coaching as a Resident’s Assistant, Leiden University
- Are recovered Depressed patients triggered by sad moods into dysfunctional self-beliefs, factoring in if they have previously considered suicide?
- Children’s perception of family dynamics, when taking into account parental personalities.
- How childhood trauma can affect autoimmune functioning in adulthood?
- Interned with, and Project Managed for, Cyntha Gonzales — leading Transpersonal Psychologist in Dubai (6 Months)
- Project Managed a revamp of Creative Response Therapy™ (an alternative Art Therapy form) into deliverable material for training facilitators
- Teaching Assistant at Dubai Centre for Special Needs (1 year), specifically working with three Down-syndrome children. Intern/Project Manager
- Content Manager for fellow therapists at exploreWELLNESSworld LLC., a digital marketing company in Dubai (8 months – Currently)
- Leading meditations, sharing short psychoeducation, and facilitating intimate group shares, as the head of Leiden’s Meditation Club (1 year)
- Curated and lead a workshop on Emotional Intelligence (setting boundaries, healthy anger expression, and functional coping mechanisms) to 150 students, at Ayya Nadar Janaki Ammal College, in India
- As a Guest Speaker at VSK Duraiswamy Nadar School, I shared the value of empowerment and autonomy to around 300 girls in a rural area in India